ONE is a software startup offering a universal currency for product exchange platform which required identity and website design.
ONE only required an introductory site full of basic information, with no need for interactivity of any kind. Animations and other actions were devised which would allow the user to feel as if they were interacting with the site through the ordinary process of simply scrolling.
A less orthodox site layout was used, with the navigation available only through the stacked lines at top right (the "hamburger") via a full screen overlay, and an invisible navigation bar site-wide.
Within the navigation overlay, other interactions were employed to keep users interested and involved in even the most basic of actions: simple highlighted rollovers and interchanging thumbnails of each heroes' background pictures.
Each page hero was locked in a timed transition to the next, with the headlines forming one sentence which defined the entire enterprise itself, were a user to view the slideshow without going further, while individually they made logical sense to the pages they anchored by themselves.
The minimal introductory slides create an air of mystery and encourage further exploration through the use of the "Discover" button, at which point the hero images animate to the full page views corresponding to each. These basic transformations add interest and allow users to feel more actively involved.
Elsewhere, various 3-dimensional icons were animated through parallax and revolving animations, triggered by the action of scrolling in order to generate dynamism in sections which were otherwise comprised of dry descriptions.
Significant amounts of information were converted into simple carousels using graphic and pictorial content, which any user would instantly understand and be familiar with, to increase site interaction.
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